Recent Discoveries by Sir Flinders Petrie in Palestine'
INTEREST in excavations increases every year. Few events of scholarly import have assumed the degree of topical interest accorded by the general Press to, for instance, the unearthing of the tomb of King Tutankahmen. By the aid of these excavations, not only has our view of history been enlarged, but it has been rendered immensely more real, and wo have learned that ' progress ' after all is a relative term. In Egypt, most profitable field of research for the excavator, the long extension of our view, before written history, has largely been the work of the British School of Arch;rology in Egypt under the direction of Sir Flinders Petrie. Recently, however, Sir Flinders and his party have moved their centre of activities across the Sinai Desert to the southern border of Palestine, where an Old Testament city, called Beth-Poleth, has been unearthed with most interesting results. It is of this ancient city that Lady Flinders Petrie , wife of the excavator, will speak this evening. Lady Petrie has hitherto accompanied her husband, but this year she is remaining behind to interest the public in this important work.