Mr. Wilfrid Roberts
(Newcastle Programme)
This morning Wilfrid Roberts will talk on the children of his district. Children there, and in the south, or anywhere else, are very much alike. As George Meredith said, 'They romp, they cry, they dream of play and pudding.' But children do things characteristic of their surroundings, and a great day in Cumberland is the carrying of the hay.
The type of low vehicle shown in the accompanying photograph is called 'a bogey'; its purpose is to draw or carry the pikes of hay. But the Cumberland child goes riding on the pikes, as will be seen.
Wilfrid Roberts, if he has time, will touch on some characteristic games they play: 'Deaf and Dumb Dollies', and 'Hitchy Dob', a kind of hop-scotch. Some of these children have a long way to go to school, but their walk in the spring of the year is made interesting by the search for the lovely little nest of the 'Dicky Hedge', the chaffinch; and later in the year they come home carrying armfuls of bluebells.