Prògram sònraichte bhon Fhèis The Great Escape 2018 ann am Brighton far an robh còrr is 450 còmhlan a' cluich ann an iomadh àite air feadh a' bhaile thairis air trì latha. 'S e seo an fhèis as motha san Roinn Eòrpa airson ceòl le còmhlain is seinneadairean ùra. Fhuair Emma agallamhan le ALMA, Nina Nesbitt, Lewis Capaldi, Vida, The Vegan Leather agus Bossy Love. Ceòl ri chluinntinn bho na còmhlain a nochd aig an fhèis seo cuideachd.
A special show recorded at The Great Escape Festival in Brighton back in 2018. Emma Lamont gives us an insight into one of Europe's biggest festivals for new music from emerging artists, featuring interviews with ALMA, Nina Nesbitt, Lewis Capaldi, Vida, The Vegan Leather and Bossy Love. Music from just some of the many talented artists who appeared at the festival to come too. Show less