Dorothy and Edward visit Clacton to try and pep up their marriage.
Dorothy and Edward Atkinson are Sidcup's premier warring couple with a marriage to challenge even the most determined of counsellors.
Hugh Paddick and Betty Marsden star in Barry Pilton's marital mayhem sitcom.
Edward ...... Hugh Paddick
Dorothy ...... Betty Marsden
Aubrey Woods
Nigel Lambert
After notching up multiple BBC radio series together of 'Beyond Our Ken' and 'Round the Horne' - most memorably as aging juvenile Binkie Huckaback and Dame Celia Molestrangler - Hugh and Betty were reunited on-air, almost a decade later in 'The 27 Year Itch'.
Producer: Geoffrey Perkins
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in December 1978. Show less