Played by Sir Philip Ben Greet and his Company
This old morality, Everyman, or The Summoning of Everyman, is by far the best of the half-dozen extant English moralities that can plausibly be assigned to the fifteenth century.
There are fragments in the British Museum and Bodleian Library, and editions elsewhere. More modern editions were published between 1773 and 1902. But this fine allegorical play had not been performed for about four hundred years until William Poel, who had founded the Elizabethan Stage Society in 1895, produced Everyman in the Quadrangle, Charterhouse, in 1901, giving it as far as possible on the original primitive lines. In the same year he produced it in University College Quadrangle, Oxford, and in the following year he joined forces with Ben Greet and gave it at St. George's Hall, London, and at the Imperial Theatre.
Between 1902 and 1906 Poel produced it at the Coronet, Court, Shaftesbury, and Garrick Theatres, and it was also given at Edinburgh, Glasgow, Liverpool, Birmingham, Brighton (the Pavilion), and at Tunbridge Wells. Ben Greet took it to America, and Nugent Monck, of the Maddermarket Theatre, Norwich, also gave performances in various parts of England. It first broadcast on March 29, 1929.