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Luingean Lannsaireachd/Surgery Ships

Series 1

Episode 7

Duration: 45 minutes

First broadcast: on BBC ALBALatest broadcast: on BBC ALBA

Tha long ospadail shònraichte a tha a' toirt seachad obair-lannsa aig muir, a' dèanamh air na daoine as bochda ann an Afraga. Chan eil aca ach aon bhliadhna airson an obair do-dhèanta seo a dhèanamh - cùram a' thoirt do dhaoine nach fhaigh e ann an àite sam bith eile. Tha dragh air an luchd-meidigeach gu bheil Ebola air an t-slighe.

Aig an aon àm, tha iad a' toirt dòchas do nighean òg a tha crom-chasach air adhbhar dith beathachaidh, tha deugaire aca le losgaidhean cho dona 's nach urrainn dha òrdagan a chur air an talamh agus tha dotair anns an sgìre a tha feumach air obair-lannsa e fhèin airson gum faigh e air ais a dh' obair airson daoine a shàbhaladh anns na sgìrean aige fhèin.

A unique hospital ship offering life-saving surgery sets sail for the poorest of the poor in Africa. It has just one year to do the impossible - to provide the care these people cannot get any other way.

Mercy Ships' volunteers are faced with an Ebola scare as surgeons give new hope to a young girl with extremely bowed legs due to malnutrition, a teenage boy with a burns injury so severe his toes don't touch the ground, and a local paediatrician in need of novel and complex surgery so he can get back to work and continue to save the lives of his people. Show less

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