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Luingean Lannsaireachd/Surgery Ships

Series 1

Episode 5

Duration: 45 minutes

First broadcast: on BBC ALBALatest broadcast: on BBC ALBA

Tha long ospadail shònraichte a tha a' toirt seachad obair-lannsa aig muir, a' dèanamh air na daoine as bochda ann an Afraga. Chan eil aca ach aon bhliadhna airson an obair do-dhèanta seo a dhèanamh - cùram a' thoirt do dhaoine nach fhaigh e ann an àite sam bith eile. Tha an luchd-meidigeach saor-thoileach a' cumail orra gu trang. Anns a' phrògram seo tha sinn a' coinneachadh ri Maimouna aig a bheil cnap air a h-aodann a tha air tilleadh. Cuideachd tha Ignace, gille òg a' fulang le bòcadh neurofibroma air aodann agus tha càraid òg ann a tha crom-chasach. Tha an turas aig Maimouna gu math doirbh leis an Dotair Nerida, a rinn obair-lannsa oirre bho chionn ceithir bliadhna, a' dol gu Guinea airson a toirt chun an t-soithich airson obair-lannsa deatamach fhaighinn, ach feumaidh iad a bhith faiceallach oir chan eil fada bho bha Ebola anns an dùthaich seo.

A unique hospital ship offering life-saving surgery sets sail for the poorest of the poor in Africa. It has just one year to do the impossible - to provide the care these people cannot get any other way.

The volunteer medics continue to treat extraordinary cases of medical need. Featured patients include Maimouna, a 17-year-old past patient whose facial tumour has now returned; Ignace, a teenage boy with a neurofibroma tumour which covers half his face; and young twins with identical bowed legs. Maimouna's journey to the ship is dramatic as ship doctor Nerida, who operated on Maimouna four years ago with Surgeon Tertius, travels to Guinea, which has only recently been cleared of Ebola, to find Maimouna and bring her to the ship for critical surgery. Show less

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