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Mach à Seo!

Series 1

Episode 2

Duration: 29 minutes

First broadcast: on BBC ALBALatest broadcast: on BBC ALBA

Tha Ramsay MacMahon sna ficheadan - èasgaidh ag obair cruaidh ann an dreuchd proifeasanta agus a' cheart cho clis gu cleasachd nuair a tha 'n cothrom aige. Tha molaidhean aige do dhaoin' òg eile mu na cur-seachadan a tha ri faighinn an Alba, a' cur soraidh slàn ri seachdain na h-obrach agus a' caitheamh a h-uile diog dhen deireadh sheachdain ann an spòrs is toil-inntinn.
Sa phrògram seo tha Ramsay a' gabhail an A82 gu Gleann Comhan, fo bheanntan àrda ainmeil. Mus tèid e nas fhaide tha e feuchainn luasgadh dreallaig os cionn sruth bras abhainn Urchaidh.

Tha e streap suas balla deighe ann an seann leaghadair an aluminium an Ceann Loch Lìobhann agus a' gabhail cuairt air an locha ann am bàta aig astar. Cò b' urrainn tadhal air Gleann Comhan gun dìreadh suas a-measg nam beann - tha Ramsay a' coiseachd gu Coire Gabhail far am biodh na Dòmhnallaich a' falach an sprèidh a ghoid iad.

Ramsay MacMahon is a twentysomething professional who adheres to the 'work hard, play hard' philosophy. In this young person's guide to the Scottish staycation, he banishes those weekday blues and proves that a week's worth of living can be crammed into the weekend.

In this programme Ramsay travels along the A82 to the spectacular Glencoe, one of Scotland's most picturesque glens and famed for its towering mountains.

He gets his weekend off to a flying start with a bridge swing over the rapids of the River Orchy. He climbs up an ice wall housed in a former Victorian-era aluminium smelter and take a high-speed boat drip through Loch Leven. And no trip to Glencoe would be complete without a walk in the hills - Ramsay hikes up to the Lost Valley where the MacDonalds of Glencoe hid their rustled cattle. Show less

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This data is drawn from the data stream that informs BBC's iPlayer and Sounds. The information shows what was scheduled to be broadcast, meaning it was/is subject to change and may not be accurate. More