Air Eòrpa na seachdain-sa, tha Derek MacAoidh anns A' Ghrèig 's iad a dèiligeadh ri tuil de mhìltean chloinne leòtha fhèin a th' air tighinn dhan dùthaich, agus tha Alasdair Friseal ann an Romàinia far an deach mìltean phrìosanaich air feadh na dùthcha a leigeil ma sgaoil as dèidh riaghaladh le Cùirt Eòrpach nan Còirichean Daonna.
Reports on the most important stories from across Europe. In this week's programme, Derek MacKay is in Greece reporting on how the country is trying to deal with the arrival of hundreds of unaccompanied children. And Alasdair Fraser is in Romania, where thousands of prisoners have been released after a ruling by the European Court of Human Rights. Show less