Tha Ceana Chaimbeul, a ràinig aois 80 bho chionn ghoirid - agus a tha a' faighinn MBE air a' mhìos seo fhèin - aithnichte mar bhana-sheinneadair agus mar thè a tha mion-eòlach air òrain Ghàidhlig. Ach is iomadh rud eile a rinn i na beatha, mar a chluinneas Fiona NicChoinnich anns an dà phrògram seo. Anns a' chiad fhear de dhà phrògram, cluinnear mu làithean òige agus làithean-sgoile Cheana san Eilean Sgitheanach.
Dr Kenna Campbell who recently turned 80 is due to receive an MBE for services to the Gaelic language this month. Kenna is probably best known as a singer and expert in Gaelic song, but in these two programmes she also looks back on other aspects of her eventful life. In this programme, she recalls her youth in Greepe, a small township on the north end of Skye and her schooldays in Portree. Show less