Series 10
Episode 6: Gin: Spiorad an t-Sineabhair/Gin: The Spirit of Juniper
59 minutes
Tha cho còrdichte 's a tha gin air a bhith air feadh an t-saoghail air a bhith na sgeulachd shoirbheachail, iongantach bho chionn ghoirid. Deoch shimplidh le aon lus, sònraichte - sineabhar - na bhun-stèidh airson a h-uile gin, le blas lusan eile an uairsin air a chur ris. A dh'aindeoin toiseach-tòiseachaidh simplidh, socair, 's e spiorad a th'ann aig a bheil eachdraidh fhada bhuaireasach. Ach san là an- diugh agus san àm ri teachd tha cùisean gu math togarrach, brosnachail mar a fhuair Alasdair Friseal a-mach.
Gin's growing global popularity has been a remarkable success story in recent years. In 2016 £1.1 billion of gin was sold in the UK alone, with economic projections suggesting that gin sales will outstrip whisky by 2020. Scotland has played a major part in its revival with 73 different companies creating over 130 gins across the country.
At its simplest, the basic ingredient in any gin is juniper, and it is then flavoured with a variety of botanicals. However, it is a spirit with a long and turbulent history, as well as a vibrant present and future as gin enthusiast, Alasdair Fraser, finds out. Visiting a number of key distilleries, and taking in gin festivals, and learning about the art of making gin cocktails, Alasdair discovers more about this massively diverse spirit.
With more and more gins appearing on the market, he also explores what the future will hold. Could gin really take over the mantle of the national tipple from whisky? Show less