Inside Science presenter Adam Rutherford joins Francine Stock to assess the latest instalment in the Star Wars saga, while critic Gavia Baker-Whitelaw takes us through the various fan theories about what is going to happen in The Last Jedi, and who is going to die.
Director Daniel Rezende discusses his Brazilian drama Bingo: The King Of Mornings, based on a real-life clown and TV sensation who lead a disastrous double life as children's entertainer and drug addict.
Perfume expert Dariush Alavi presents another edition of his series The Scent Of Cinema, and this week he turns his attention to arch sensualist and serial killer Hannibal Lecter in Silence Of The Lambs
Critics Larushka Ivan-Zadeh and Tim Robey give us an exclusive preview of their new podcast series Mind The Gap, in which they try to fill the embarrassing gaps in their film knowledge. Show less