Bidh Catrìona NicNèill a' cur fàilt' oirbh gu Farpaisean Chòmhlan Pìoba na Cruinne neo mar a chanas tòrr - Na Worlds. Thairis air dà phrògram bidh Catrìona a' toirt thugaibh blasad den phìobaireachd agus drumaireachd as fheàrr bho air feadh an t-saoghail. Tha Na Worlds air a bhith a' tachairt le còrr is dà cheud còmhlain pìoba a gabhail pàirt is dà fhichead mile neach a' tadhal thairis air an dà latha.
Bha dusan còmhlan sa chuairt dheireannach aig ìre a h-aon a' cluich dà phìos ciùil, an toiseach a' cluich caismeachd, srathspèidh agus ruidhle agus an uairsin a cluich a-rithist, le puirt a thagh iad fhèin. Bhuannaich Còmhlan Pìoba Inbhir Aora an fharpais airson a' chiad turas fo'n stiùir aig Màidsear na Pìoba Stuart Liddell.
The second of two programmes from the 2017 World Pipe Band Championships at Glasgow Green, with over 200 bands competing in various grades over two days, and with around 40,000 people in attendance. Grade 1 pipe bands are judged on two pieces of music - a March, Strathspey and Reel followed by a medley of their own choice.
In the Grade 1 finals, 12 bands competed for the coveted title eventually won by Inverary Pipe Band for the very first time. This wonderful achievement was accomplished under the leadership of Pipe Major Stuart Liddell. Show less