Tree Fu Tom
Series 1
Episode 18: Deòrsa Fuamhaireil
22 minutes
Tha Twigs a feuchainn ri 'bràiste togail-teant' a chosnadh le cuideachadh bho Tom 's Racquette. Ge-tà, tha na Musha ri mì-mhodh 's iad a cruthachadh sgeulachd mu uillebheist uabhasach... sgeulachd a tha iad a' toirt gu buil gun fhios dhaibh p-fhèin.
Twigs is busy trying to earn his tent-building badge with help from Tom and Racquette. However, the Musha attempt to cause trouble with their tall tales of an unusual monster... a tale they inadvertently bring to life. Show less