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An Dèidh Hitler/After Hitler

Series 1

Episode 1

Duration: 45 minutes

First broadcast: on BBC ALBALatest broadcast: on BBC ALBA

Anns na còig bliadhna eadar deireadh an Dàrna Cogaidh agus toiseach a' Chogaidh Fhuair bha an saoghal làn dòchais gum biodh sìth mhaireannach aca, ach an àite sin, b' ann faisg air mòr sgrios eile a bha a' chùis. A dh' aindeoin 's gun deach làmh an uachdair fhaighinn air na Gearmailtich cha robh sin a' ciallachadh gu robh an àm ri teachd gu bhith math.

Dh' fheumte an Roinn Eòrpa a thogail às ùr as dèidh am milleadh a dh' fhàg an cogadh agus aig an aon àm beatha ùr a dhealbhachadh. Bha na milleanan de dhaoine, a bha air am fuadachadh, air an cuir sa phrìosan agus air an cleachdadh nan tràillean, a' feitheamh mìosan airson faighinn dhachaigh agus airson cuid aca, bha seo na bu mhiosa nan cogadh fhèin. Tha na prògraman seo a' cleachdadh tasglann bhon Rhuis, Breatainn, a' Ghearmailt, an Fhraing, Canada agus Ameireaga, ìomhaighean a tha a' toirt sealladh dhuinn air na daoine a bha an sàs anns na h-amannan as dèidh a' chogaidh.

In the five years that separated the end of the Second World War from the start of the Cold War, the world had hoped for a lasting peace, but instead found itself on the brink of apocalypse. The defeat of Nazi Germany did not mean a rosy future lay ahead.

A shattered Europe had to rebuild, heal its wounds, and deal with the fall-out from a barbarous conflict, whilst sketching the outlines of its future. Millions of men and women who had been deported, interned, or subjected to forced labour, waited for months to return to their homelands and for many civilians, the aftermath of the war was even more brutal than the conflict itself.

These programmes compile unseen Russian, British, German, French, Canadian and American archives and unique images of daily life of the people that were caught up in this aftermath. Show less

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This data is drawn from the data stream that informs BBC's iPlayer and Sounds. The information shows what was scheduled to be broadcast, meaning it was/is subject to change and may not be accurate. More