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Aghaidh ri Aghaidh

Series 2

Karl Lagerfeld vs Yves Saint-Laurent

Duration: 51 minutes

First broadcast: on BBC ALBALatest broadcast: on BBC ALBA

Aghaidh ri Aghaidh; coimeas eadar dithis ainmeil, a' sealltainn a' chòmhstri a bh' eatorra agus mar a thug seo buaidh air ar beatha làitheil. Karl Lagerfeld agus Yves Saint-Laurent, dithis a bha air leth tàlantach agus a thug buaidh air fasan agus haute couture airson caogad bliadhna.

Ann an iomadh dòigh, tha iad a' sealltainn na h-atharrachaidhean sòisealta anns an Fhraing a thaobh modhan beatha bho na caogadan suas gu deireadh na linne, bho aimhreit chatharra anns a' Chèitean 1968 gu saorsa nan seachdadan gu na h-ochdadan a bha stèidhichte air airgead agus coltas. 'S e seo sgeulachd mu dà charaid a chaidh an aghaidh a chèile, làn farmad, soirbheachas agus mac-meanmna.

Karl Lagerfeld and Yves Saint-Laurent; two complex, talented, gifted men that contributed to the heart of a half century of fashion and haute couture. They represent indirectly the changes in French society, the changes in the morals and lifestyles of the 50s all the way to the 2000s, from civil unrest in May 1968, the liberating and excessive 70s, and the 80s marked by money and appearance. It is a story of two men's friendship that became rivalry, fuelled by jealousy, ambition and creativity. Show less

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