Dè a-nis?
Series 24
Episode 31
29 minutes
Chì thu mar a chaidh dha Derek nuair a chaidh e sgrìob a Stratford-upon-Avon gus faighinn a-mach mu Uilleam Shakespeare. Innsidh e cuideachd dhuinn beagan mu ùghdar a rugadh ann an Dùn Èideann, Robert Louis Stevenson, agus na leabhraichean aigesan agus cluinnear mu JM Barrie a sgrìobh sgeulachd Peter Pan. Cuideachd, bidh Cerise anns a' bhùth-obrach a' cruthachadh rudeigin a bhios gu math feumail ma tha thu dèidheil air a bhith a' leughadh leabhraichean!
We'll find out how Derek got on when he went to Stratford-upon-Avon to learn all about William Shakespeare. He'll also introduce us to the works of Edinburgh-born author Robert Louis Stevenson, and to JM Barrie, who wrote the famous Peter Pan story. Meanwhile, Cerise will be in her workshop crafting something very useful for avid book readers! Show less