Farpaisean Chon-Chaorach
Series 9
Episode 2
59 minutes
Tha prògram a dhà a' tarraing ri chèile a chuid as fheàrr de dh'fharpais ionadail eile, an trup sa air pàirce ghorm, aomach ann am Blàr-goibhre. Tha cuid dheth na h-ainmean as cliùitiche a' farpais le Iain Brownlie, Niall Caimbeul, Iain MacIlip agus Seoc Welsh uile a' coimhead ri puingean a thogail. Ach 'se Rook fo stiùir Andy Carnegie nach eil cha mhòr a cur cas ceàrr.
Episode two comprises the best of the action from another local trial, this time held on a lush field with an incline in Blairgowrie. The trial sees some of the big handlers compete, with Ian Brownlie, Neil Campbell, John McKillop and Jock Welsh all aiming to chalk up some season points. Everyone performs well but it's Rook who runs an almost perfect run for handler Andy Carnegie. Show less