Sealgairean Spòrsail/History Hunters
Episode 12: Afraga/Africa
23 minutes
Thig a dh'Afraga cuide ri Calum, Kerry Anne is na Sealgairean Spòrsail. 'S e mòr-thìr iongantach a th' ann an Afraga sa bheil còrr is 50 dùthaich is ceudan de threubhan le cleachdaidhean sònraichte aig gach tè. An-diugh, tha dà dhùbhlan le ceangal Afraganach ro na Sealgairean. An toiseach, gheibh iad a-mach mar a bha treubhan nòmadach a' cur fiosan gu chèile le brathan air uighean. An uair sin, nì iad cailc à plaosg-uighe. Air chuairt sa phàirc, tha cù nan Sealgairean a' ruith air falbh ach gheibh iad lorg air Peasan le bhith a' cleachdadh na h-àrainneachd is am mothachaidhean, mar a dhèanadh fir treubh an San. San stiùidio, tha Calum is Kerry Anne a' feuchainn dè an t-aodach as fhionnaire san fhàsach, dubh no geal. Cuideachd, ciamar a bha masgaichean air an cleachdadh son stòiridh innse gun fhaclan?
Come history hunting in Africa with Calum, Kerry Anne and the History Hunters as the series continues to bring history to life with fun facts, animations and experiments. Africa is a massive continent with more than 50 countries and hundreds of unique tribes, each with their own customs. Today, the History Hunters must complete two African inspired challenges: discover how nomadic tribes left messages for each other using egg-notes and chalk made from eggshells, and when their dog runs off during a walk in the park, the hunters must think like the San bushmen and use the natural environment and their senses to track him down. Back in the studio, Calum and Kerry Anne work out which clothes are cooler in the hot African desert, black or white, and they discover masks designed to tell a story without words. Show less