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JFK - Na Làithean Mora/JFK - 7 Days That Made a President

Episode 1

Duration: 45 minutes

First broadcast: on BBC ALBALatest broadcast: on BBC ALBA

Tha làithean ann an uair a tha e comasach atharrachadh a thoirt air an t-saoghal agus ged a tha an là mu dheireadh aig John F Kennedy fhathast ga shònrachadh mar dhuine, tha seachd amannan na bheatha a bha air leth cudromach.

Tha an dà phrògram seo ag innse mun cheann-suidhe as ainmeile a bh' ann an Ameireagaidh, tro na h-amannan sònraichte na bheatha, a thug stiùir dhan riaghladh aige agus a dh' atharraich na bha an dàn dhan t-saoghal.

Tha gach àm a' riochdachadh na rinn e na bheatha, an seòrsa pearsa a bh' aige agus na duilgheadasan a dh' fhuiling e. Bho bha e na dheugaire, mar chaiptean san dàrna cogadh, mar thagraiche òg an uair a bha e gu bhith na cheann-suidhe, bha na chaidh a dhèanamh air na làithean seo cudromach ann a bhith cruthachadh an ceann-suidhe a s' fhèarr a bh' ann an Ameireagaidh a-riamh.

There are some days when you can change the world and although his last day on earth still defines him, there are seven moments in the life of JFK that made him who he was.

This two-part documentary tells the story of one of America's greatest presidents through the seven key dates that made the man, drove his presidency and changed the fate of the world. Each of them reflects a separate part of his achievements, his personality and his fateful crises.

From his teens on the brink of death, as a captain in World War II, as a young presidential contender, decisions made on these days would mould and create the man considered to be the best president the United States ever had. It was a life cut tragically short on one last fateful day in Dallas - a day that made world history. Show less

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