Gaisgich na Stoirme/Storm Heroes
Episode 1
29 minutes
Tha Donaidh MacAoidh a' coinneachadh nan gaisgich a tha a' strì ris an droch shìde. Tha Murchadh Dòmhnallach agus an sgioba SSEN a' dol a-mach far a bheil feum orra. Tha sgiobair ChalMac, Mìcheal MacNìll ag innse do Dhonaidh carson a chuireas e seòlaidhean dheth, agus tha Raibeart Dòmhnallach a' biathadh na othaisgean san t-sneachd.
Donnie Mackay braves Storms Gertrude and Henry to join the heroes who battle through, whatever the weather. Men like Murdo MacDonald, who works for SSEN in Lewis. When the weather closes in, Murdo and his team don their bright yellow jackets and head out to wherever their skills are needed most - in this case getting the power back on stream for the residents of Newmarket.
If you've every wondered who decides whether the ferry sails or not - Donnie has the answer. He meets CalMac skippers Michael MacNeil and Iain MacNeil to find out what criteria they take into consideration before cancelling a trip.
Weather forecaster Sarah Cruickshank is joined by meteorologists from Storm Geo, and asks them why our recent weather appears so extreme. And hill farmer Robert MacDonald, from Granton-on-Spey, is out in a snow storm feeding his pregnant ewes. Will the weather improve by the time the lambs arrive? Show less