Over the past few weeks Hardeep Singh Kohli has been travelling the country cooking for people and in return hearing some extraordinary stories. In the last programme in this series Hardeep travels to Wiltshire to cook lunch for Jonathan Bryan and his parents Christopher and Chantal. Jonathan was born after his mother was injured in a car crash. Starved of oxygen in the womb he was diagnosed with cerebral palsy and for the next few months his parents had to make difficult decisions about whether or not to continue his treatment. Jonathan is now 10 years old and throughout his life he's been non-verbal, that was until last year. Through the perseverance of his parents, who taught him to read and write, he was at last able to communicate with his eyes. Hardeep talks to Jonathan and his parents about how he is starting to find his own voice in the world.
Producer: Amanda Hancox. Show less