Rex, Toby and Josh discuss their options following the devastation of the flock by a fox. Toby has asked his dad for a short-term loan so they can buy in some of Josh's free-range birds. They go through the customers they have lost. Rex calculates that they will lose half their business. Josh and Rex seriously consider whether to cut Toby out of the business. Toby begs for another chance, which he is granted.
Tony and Pat are pleased with Neil and Ian agreeing to be Helen's character witnesses. Tom joins them to talk about the Nuffield scholarship. He is wondering about applying and the deadline is the day after tomorrow. Pat isn't sure now is the right time to apply, as it would take him away from Bridge Farm. Tony however thinks Tom shouldn't have to sacrifice his dreams. Think what a boost it would be for Helen, for Tom to make her organic baby food idea a reality. They agree that he should apply.
Fallon calls in on Lynda at Ambridge Hall. Lynda helps Fallon with a contact for the fete but makes it clear that beyond this, she is taking no part in village events. She has a lot of other things to be doing with her time! Fallon admits that life in Ambridge won't be the same without Lynda's input. Lynda points out that - as Fallon said - it's time to do away with the old guard. She is certain Fallon and her friends can make the fete a triumph. Show less