Seòladair, punc, seanmhair agus oileanach. Dè an dàimh a tha eadar na daoine seo? 'S dòcha nach tig na h-adhbharan seo gu d' inntinn - fasan, reubaltachd, fèin-aithne, ealain, agus cuimhneachan - ach seo cuid de na h-adhbharan a th' aig daoine tatù fhaighinn. Anns a' chiad phrògram seo tha Gilleasbuig MacDhòmhnaill a' còmhradh ri daoine mu na tatùthan aca agus a' cluinntinn mu aithreachas, cofhurtachd agus mu làithean a dh' fhalbh. Carson a fhuair iad 'ad sa chiad dol a-mach? Dè na smuaintean a th' aca mun deidhinn a-nis? Am faigheadh iad tatù eile? Tha sgeulachdan aig gach neach agus thèid an innse ann an 'Craiceann na Chanabhas'.
What connects a retired sailor and a punk, a grandmother and a student? Maybe fashion, rebellion, identity, art, and remembrance don't immediately come to mind, but these are just some of the reasons people choose to get inked. In this first programme of two Gilleasbuig MacDonald speaks to people about tattoos and hears about their thoughts and feelings regarding them, the regrets if any, the comfort and the memories. Why did they decide to get them done, how do they feel about them now and would they get more? Each individual has his and her own story and they are all told in 'Craiceann na Chanabhas'. Show less