Cuirm @ Celtic
Episode 6: Moving Hearts
50 minutes
Cuirm shònraichte agus an còmhlan Èireannach, Moving Hearts, a' tilleadh gu àrd-ùrlar Cheltic Connections. Bha ionad a' Fruitmarket làn gu mhullach agus na bh'anns an èisteachd a' cur fàilte le gàirdeachas air Dónal Lunny, Davey Spillane, Noel Eccles agus na seòid. Tha aoighean shònraichte a' toirt taic do Moving Hearts agus gheibhear blas de NeXo, pròiseact-ciùil ùr anns a bheil luchd-ciùil bho air feadh an t-saoghail. Tha buill NeXo air siubhal à fad is farsaing; à Argentina, Galicia, Uruguay, a' Chuimrigh - agus à Alba tha Megan NicEanraig, Fionnlagh Dòmhnallach agus stiùiriche Celtic Connections, Dòmhnall Seathach.
Irish band Moving Hearts return to the Celtic Connections stage in a concert special. A capacity audience in the Old Fruitmarket gave a warm welcome to Dónal Lunny, Davey Spillane, Noel Eccles and bandmates. Support for Moving Hearts comes from a number of special guests in the form of NeXo, a new musical project that connects musicians from all over the world. Band members are drawn from Argentina, Galicia, Uruguay, Wales and Scotland, including Megan Henderson, Finlay MacDonald and Celtic Connections director, Donald Shaw. Show less