direct from the Chapel of Magdalen College, Oxford Preces (Victoria)
Office hymn: Tristes erant Apostoli (Victoria)
Psalms: 110 (Tone I) (Victoria); 111 (Tone VII) (Rore); 112 (Tone VTO(Rore)
First lesson: I Samuel 16, w l-13a (Rsv)
Antiphon: Sancti etjusti (ModeVOT)
Magnificat (Tone VOT) (Lassus) Second lesson: Acts 1, w 15-17, 20-26 (Rsv)
Antiphon: Salva nos (Mode VIII) Nunc Dimittis (Tone VuT) (Victoria)
Responses (Plainsong)
Anthem: Cantate Domino
(Schutz); Antiphon: Regina coeli (Solemn tone)
Informator Choristarum