Narrated by Richard Madden, this new four-part series is a warm and nostalgic look back at how home movie-making became a cultural phenomenon. From its beginnings in the 1920s as a new and exclusive hobby of the rich, to its 'hey-day' in the 60s and 70s when just about anyone could make a movie.
In this episode, we look back to the mythical 1960s and the lurid 1970s. After all the post-war hardships, there was a sense that anything was possible in the 60s. It was a truly dynamic period in British history. Revolutions in youth culture, music and fashion transformed the look and feel of the country. By the mid-1960s home movie-making was a cultural phenomenon with people from all walks of life taking up the hobby. Super8 was the new format with a quality and texture that now seems forever entwined with our memories of the era. Show less