Many years ago, author Bee Rowlatt used to be a showgirl - a professional dancer in nightclubs. She takes her friend and mentor Debbie Gills to the Moulin Rouge to find out what life as a showgirl is like today.
Between one and four percent of dads develop depression in the first year of their child's life and it's even higher if their partner's experience post natal depression. Raj shares his experience and Dr Alain Gregoire, a Perinatal Psychiatrist looks at the causes and why men are less likely to ask for help. Plus a look at what's on offer to support new fathers.
Abigail Hollick, has been visiting various cities around the country compiling a series for us called 'Women in One'. She approaches women in the street and asks them personal questions about their love life, childhood, regrets and dream. Today we hear from the first woman she met when she spent some time in Abergavenny
An estimated 41,300 three year olds are missing out on their free early education according to the latest survey from he Family and Childcare Trust. Jenni talks to their e Director of Programmes and External Affairs, Ellen Broome about what more needs to be done to ensure every child has a place.
Presented by Jenni Murray
Producer Beverley Purcell. Show less