Air an Smùid/Steaming
Episode 1
29 minutes
Tha sgioba Ìlich a tha measail air pufairean a' strì gus seann tè mheirgeach bho àm a' chogaidh, a' VIC 27, a shàbhaladh mus tuit i às a chèile. Air a toiseach tha an t-ainm Vital Spark - bhon àm a bha i ainmeil air sreath sgeulachdan 'Para Handy' a rinn am BBC ann an 1994.
Gun diurr aig an einnsean, feumar a slaodadh tro chanàl Chrìonain chun na laimrig far an tèid a h-ùrachadh. Tha na balaich air bhioran agus crann ga tarraing gu faiceallach às an uisge airson a' chiad uair ann an 30 bliadhna. Ma dheireadh thall chì na h-Ìlich staid an t-slige.
A team of puffer enthusiasts from Islay battle to save the VIC 27, a 66-year-old vessel, from the scrap heap. On her rusty bow she bears the name Vital Spark - a throwback to her glory days as star of the BBC's 1994 series The Tales of Para Handy.
With no working engine, the team organise for the puffer to be taken under tow through the canal to Crinan, where her restoration begins. They look on nervously as she's carefully winched up the purpose built slipway. This is the first time in almost 30 years she's been out of the water, and at last the team can assess the condition of her hull. Show less