Prògram Dòtaman as an tasglann bho 1995 air cuspair An Nollaig. Feuch gun seinn sibh cuide ri Donnie, bidh sgeulachd mhath aig Anna agus cleasachd gu leòr eile aig Cagnaidh is Crotal is iad air bhioran son an Nollaig! Bidh Nelson is Napoleon ag innse " dè an uair a tha e?" aig a' ghleoc is feuch gum bi sibh deiseal airson cunntadh!
A seasonal treat from the Dotaman archives recorded in 1995 on the topic of Christmas! Be sure to join in with the festive celebrations in the company of Donnie and Anna. Listen for the fun story and sing along to the catchy song. Furry friends Cagnaidh and Crotal are getting very excited, and Nelson and Napoleon keep time at the Dotaman clock! Show less