We hear from the first female chair of the Scouts Association, Ann Limb, on her vision for her new role.
Should heterosexual couples have the same right to a civil partnership as lesbian and gay couples? Rebecca Steinfeld explains why she and her partner have filed a judicial review at the High Court and founded the Equal Civil Partnerships Campaign while Professor Robert Wintemute explains the legal challenge.
One woman describes how she became homeless, the problems she faced sleeping rough and the support she needed to get off the streets.
There are two million maternal breadwinners in Britain. Giselle Corey from the IPPR tells us why we have seen a rise in the number of women providing the main source of income for their family and Wendy Venables-Gordon tells us what it's like to bring home the bacon for her family.
Cokie van der Velde speaks about her work on the front line of the Ebola crisis and what it means to her to be named Barclay's Woman of the Year.
The author Helen Bailey on her book When Bad Things Happen in Good Bikinis. It includes responses to the blog she started - Planet Grief - as she coped with bereavement after her husband drowned while they were on holiday.
And Lizzie Ostrom talks about Perfume: A Century of Scents, taking us through some of the key scents of the last hundred years. Show less