How much does appearance really matter? In a special with 5 Live's Men's Hour Jane Garvey and Tim Samuels look at the things we do to make us feel good about ourselves and the way we look.
From going to the gym to get the perfect abs, to going under the knife to achieve the perfect face and body. From having a tattoo to deciding to wax all our body hair off, who's influencing the choices we make? Plus how fashion helps us express who we are or who we want to be. And in the age of internet dating and the selfie what impact is social media having on the pressure we feel to 'look good'.
With Jody Furlong a casting director. The broadcaster and fashionista Caryn Franklin. Fashion historian and analyst Amber Butchart
Academic Philippa Dietrich and Glen Jankowski who is completing a PhD on male body image.
Presenters Jane Garvey and Tim Samuels.
Producer Emma Wallace. Show less