Igam Ogam
Series 2
Episode 1: Sgeulachdan
10 minutes
Tha Igam Ogam gu mòr airson 's gun innis Seanair Seòras sgeulachd ach tha e fhèin ag ràdh gu bheil e trang. A' dol bho dhuine gu duine chan e a h-uile sgeulachd a chluinneas i a tha a' còrdadh rithe. Mura faigheadh i a toil fhèin, chluinneadh a h-uile duine mu dheidhinn!
Igam Ogam is desperate for Seanair Seòras to tell her a story but he tells her he is busy. Going from person to person, it isn't every story that she enjoys. And when she doesn't get her own way, everyone hears about it! Show less