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Series 8

Episode 3: Aran/Bread

Duration: 1 hour

First broadcast: on BBC ALBALatest broadcast: on BBC ALBA

The e aig teas meadhan ar dòigh beatha. Chan ann a-mhàin ann an Alba, ach air feadh an t-saoghail. Ach dè a tha aran dha-rìribh a' ciallachadh dha mac an duine? Tha Alasdair MacLeòid, a tha dìoghrasach mu àran, a' gabhail turas sònraichte tarsaing Alba son sgeulachd na lofa iriosal innse.

Aig aon àm bha taighean-fuine, beag agus mòr, anns a h-uile baile ann an Alba, 's na taighean-fuine aig cridhe gach coimhearsnachd. Tha a' mhòr chuid dhiubh dùinte a-nis ge-tà, as dèidh farpais bho na bùthan mòra. Ach tha cuid de dhaoine ag ath-nuadhachadh aran as ùr.

Tha taigh-fuine an Eilean Sgitheanaich am measg iomadach taigh-fuine beag sònraichte a th' air nochdadh air feadh na dùthcha, le dòighean traidiseanta aig an cridhe.

Coinnichidh Alasdair cuideachd ri cuid a tha ag oideachadh dhaoine gus aran a dhèanamh anns an dòigh cheart, agus seallaidh sinn cuideachd air na cothroman leasachail a th'ann ann a bhith a' fuine.

It's at the centre of most of our lives, not just in Scotland but across the world. But what does bread really mean to us? Join bread enthusiast Alasdair MacLeod as he takes a unique road trip across Scotland to tell the story of the humble loaf.

At one time there were bakeries, large and small, in every town in Scotland, with the bakery at the very heart of the community. Most of them are now closed after competition from the supermarkets, but some folk are giving bread a new lease of life.

The Isle of Skye Baking Company is one of many small artisan bakeries to emerge across the country, with traditional methods at its heart. Alasdair also meets with some who are teaching others to make bread as it should be, and also explores the therapeutic opportunities of baking bread to help people with learning difficulties to engage with life. Amongst them is the Bread Maker in Aberdeen. Show less

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