Feis Chiuil Thiriodh/Tiree Music Festival
Episode 2: The Fratellis
29 minutes
Sarah Cruickshank agus Vicky Kilgour le Fèis Chiùil Thiriodh, sreath ùr a chaidh a chlàradh aig Fèis Chiùil Thiriodh 2015. Tha an dàrna program a tàisbeanadh na tàlantan aig The Fratellis, a hòmhlan-ciùil 'indie-rock' a tha ainmeil air feadh an t-saoghail agus iad a toirt dhuinn seat heòthail bho àrd-ùrlar na fèise air oidhche na Sàbaid. 'S e aon de leugan saoghal fèisean na RA a th' ann an Fhèis Thiriodh, le iomadh duais air a bhuileachadh oirre.
Sarah Cruickshank and Vicky Kilgour present Fèis Chiùil Thiriodh, a new series recorded at the Tiree Music Festival 2015. The second programme features a typically energetic set from indie rockers the Fratellis, as the band headline Sunday night at the festival. Now in its 6th year, the award-winning Tiree Music Festival is a gem of the UK festival circuit. Show less