from Hereford Cathedral, introduced by the Rev Canon John Tiller.
Celebrant: the Very Rev Peter Haynes , Dean of Hereford; Preacher: the Rev Canon Paul lies.
ASB Rite B: Jesus Christ is risen today (NEH 110); Gloria (Stanford in C); Epistle (NEB): I
Corinthians 15, w 12-20; Love's redeeming work is done (NEH 113); Gospel (RSV): John 20, w 1-10; Ye choirs of new
Jerusalem (NEH 124); Sanctus, Benedictus,
Agnus Dei (Stanford in F); Anthem: Christ the Lord is risen again
(Rutter); The day of Resurrection! (NEH 117): Organist and Master of the Choristers
Roy Massey
Assistant Organist Geraint Bowen
BBC Pebble Mill. Stereo