Fior Bhall-coise/Extreme Football
Episode 14: Eud gun Deòin
23 minutes
Nuair a tha na balaich a' taghadh Ines mar an nighean is fheàrr leotha tha seo a' toirt droch bhuaidh air Louna. Tha dealbhan de Ines air an sgaoileadh tro fòn làimhe agus 's e Louna a tha air a coireachadh. Ciamar a gheibh iad seachad air seo?
When the boys secretly elect Ines as their favourite, Louna cannot even pretend to hide her disappointment. When Ines discovers secret photos of her have been circulated through mobile phones, Louna is blamed. How will the team cope with this? Show less