Fior Bhall-coise/Extreme Football
Episode 13
23 minutes
Tha dùil aig Tag ri pasgan brisg troimh'n phost - tiodhlac a chuir e a dh'iarraidh son cò-là breith athair. Ge-tà, chaneil cùisean a' dol gu math oir, gu mì-fhortanach, tha Samy air an tiodhlac a bhriseadh agus chaneil e onarach mu dhèidhinn ri Tag. Saoil ciamar a gheibh iad seachad air an seo?
Tag is expecting a very important fragile package through the post - a gift for his father's birthday. However, things don't go well when Samy accidentally breaks the contents of the parcel and doesn't confess the truth to Tag. How will they recover from this? Show less