Robin Hood: Comhstri sa Choille
Episode 41: An Geama Mòr
12 minutes
Tha Arnold a' lorg òir a' mharsanta, òir a tha am Prionnsa ag iarraidh dha fhèin ach a tha fàgail a bhalach òg ann an làmhan nam mèirleach. Le cuideachadh bho innleachd Tuck, tha Arnold ga shaoradh 's an t-òir ga thilleadh chun a bhodaich
Whilst playing, Arnold finds himself in possession of the peddler's gold, which is coveted by the prince but leads him into the hands of the brigands. Thanks to Tuck's ingenious invention, Arnold is saved and the gold returned to its rightful owner. Show less