An Dubhlan - Sanjeev Kohli Does Gaelic
59 minutes
Tha Sanjeev Kohli ('Still Game') air dearbhadh mu thràth gu bheil e glè chomasach le cànain. Ach ciamar a thèid leis nuair a dh'fheumas an comaig, cleasaiche, agus sgrìobhadair Gàidhlig ionnsachadh? Chì sinn mar a tha cùisean a leasachadh thairis air 6 mìosan fhad 's a tha e ag obair ris an dùbhlan mu dheireadh - feumaidh e prògram ciùil air fad a' lìbhrigeadh air Rèidio nan Gàidheal! Bidh luchd-taic gu leòr aige air an t-slighe, bho tidsear Màiri NicArtair gu cleasaiche Carina NicLeòid agus preasantair Rèidio Nan Gaidheal Derek 'Pluto' Moireach. Ach fhad 's a tha clasaichean Gàidhlig sa bhaile mhòr glè mhath, ciamar a thèid leis ann am fìor dachaigh na Gàidhlig - na h-Eileanan Siar? Thèid Sanjeev agus a theaghlach air cuairt Ghàidhlig do dh'Eilean Leòdhais, a' gabhail ri dùbhlan no dhà air an t-slighe fhad 's a tha e a' sireadh comas sa chànan. An dèan e a' chuis? Feumar ùine agus obair cruaidh, ach bidh gliocas Gàidhlig agus iomadh gàire ri fhaighinn gun teagamh air an rathad.
Sanjeev Kohli of Still Game fame has already proven he has the gift of the gab, but can the Scottish comedian, actor and writer turn his hand to Gaelic? Over the course of six months we'll watch as he is put through his paces in order to meet his self-imposed challenge: to present an entire music show live on BBC Radio nan Gaidheal.
Along the way he'll have supporters and conspirators galore, from Mairi MacArthur, who will be his Gaelic teacher, to Gaelic comedienne Carina MacLeod and Radio nan Gaidheal funnyman Derek 'Pluto' Murray. But while it's all very well taking Gaelic classes in the big city, how will he cope in the
real home of Gaelic, the Outer Hebrides? His quest will take him and the family on a Gaelic road trip to the Isle of Lewis, taking on some challenges along the way as he seeks to master the language.
Will he crack it? Only time and a lot of hard work will tell, but language tips and laughs are guaranteed as Sanjeev sets out into a new Gaelic world. Show less