Dè a-nis?
Series 22
Episode 12
1 hour
Tha Megan a' tadhal air factaraidh seòclaid agus às dèidh laìmh tha i a' dèanamh oidhirp air rudan milis a dhèanamh na bùth-obrach fhèin. 'S e Luke à Eilean Leòdhais a tha ag innse mu na cur-seachadan as fheàrr leis agus bidh sgoilearan à Bun Sgoil Achadh na Creige a' feuchainn air rèis Puingean nam Boingean.
Megan visits a chocolate factory and then attempts to make a few more in her workshop, Luke from the Isle of Lewis tells of his favourite pastimes and pupils from Rockfield Primary School in Oban attempt to hop their way to success in the hopper challenge. Show less