Series 3
Episode 13
37 minutes
Iain MacFhionghain le measgachadh de laoidhean Nollaig bho: Darren MacIllEathain, Ceòlraidh Ghàidhlig Ghlaschu, Màiri NicAonghais agus Seumas Greumach. Cuideachd sgeulachdan pearsanta bho Mharion NicAmhlaidh & Finella Mhoireasdan. Agus bidh Angela NicEachainn a' leughadh bho Leabhar nan Gnàth-fhacal.
Iain MacKinnon presents a seasonal mix of hymns, featuring: Darren MacLean, Glasgow Gaelic Musical Association, Mairi MacInnes and James Graham. Marion MacAulay and Finella Morrison talk about the role faith plays in their lives and Angela MacEachen reads from the Book of Proverbs. Show less