Sar-sgeoil: The Lewis Trilogy
1 hour
Tha Cathy NicDhòmhnaill a'leantainn gach ceum a ghabh an Detective Fin MacLeòid anns na trì nobhailean a stèidhich Peter May ann an Leòdhas: The Black House, The Lewis Man agus The Chess Men. Tha i a'siubhal a Leòdhas, an t-eilean dham buin i, gu Èirisgeidh, a'tadhal air na làraich agus a' tachairt air na daoine a ghluais macmeanmna an ùghdair gu na leabhraichean a'sgrìobhadh. Anns a'phrògram cluinnear cuideachd agallamh le Peter May.
Cathy MacDonald travels in the footsteps of Detective Fin MacLeod, the central character in Peter May's best-selling trilogy of novels - The Black House, The Lewis Man and The Chess Men. Her journey takes her from her native Lewis and south to the Isle of Eriskay. En route, she visits the locations and meets the real life characters who inspired Peter May in his writing of The Lewis Trilogy. The programme also features an interview with the author. Show less