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Cuirm @ Celtic


Episode 8: Julie Fowlis and RANT

Duration: 30 minutes

First broadcast: on BBC ALBALatest broadcast: on BBC ALBA

Cuirm ciùil le aon de na seinneadairean Gàidhlig as tarraingiche a tha againn - Julie Fowlis.
Bidh ise a' faighinn taic bho chòmhlan nas motha na 'n àbhaist ach 's iad na h-òrain a sheasas a-mach 's i 'toirt cothrom dhuinn èisteachd ri cuid den stuth ùr a bhios air a' cheathramh clàr aice.

Tha I air aideachadh gu bheil I air a beò-ghlacadh le òrain agus gu bheil I a' coimhead orra mar thiodhlacan, agus 's ann fialaidh ga-rìribh a tha I fhèin le cuid òrain gach uair a thèid I air an àrd-ùrlar. A-bharrachd air an triùir as àbhaist a bhith a' cumail taic rithe - Eamonn Doorley, Donnchadh Siosalach agus Tony Byrne - bidh aoighean ciùil sònraichte eile 'na cuideachd. Nam measg sin bidh RANT, ceathrar fhìdhleir nach eil gann de chliù agus a bheireadh luach an airgid do luchd-èisteachd ged nach biodh aig a' chuirm ach iad fhèin.

In concert special from the Fruitmarket featuring one of the brightest Gaelic folk artists around - Julie Fowlis - who brings a bigger band to our screens, although it's the songs that shine as she showcases her upcoming fourth album.

For someone who has, in the past, candidly admitted to being obsessed by songs and who regards songs as gifts, Julie Fowlis is a generous artist on the evidence of this transcendental performance. Her regular band - the effortlessly talented trio of Éamon Doorley, Duncan Chisholm and Tony Byrne - are augmented here by some special musical guests, including support act - the joyous sounding RANT. This quartet of violinists, stars in their own right, are worth the entrance fee alone for the crowd in attendance. Show less

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