Air prògram Eòrpa na seachdain-sa, bidh Calum MacIlleathain ag aithris às a' Ghearmailt, far a bheil bailtean fhathast gam fuadach
airson mèinnean liognaid, seòrsa de ghual donn, a leasachadh. Seo a dh'aindeoin's dragh mun chron a tha leithid a chonnadh a'
dèanamh air an àrainneachd. Bidh Darren Linc ann an Innis Tìle, far a bheil an Riaghaltas a' gluasad cuid de sheirbheisean
catharra a-mach às a' phriomh bhaile Reykjavik gu sgìrean eile.
This week on Eòrpa, Calum Maclean visits Germany where towns and villages continue to be demolished to make way for lignite mines. Lignite use in Germany is increasing despite fears about the environmental impact of this type of fossil fuel.
In Iceland, Darren Laing reports on government plans to move several of its departments out of the capital Reykjavik to other parts of the country. Show less