Air prògram Eòrpa na seachdain-sa, bidh Darren Linc ag aithris à Innis Tìle, far a bheil seirbheis na slàinte a' strì gus dotairean le eòlas sònraichte a thàladh agus a chumail. Bidh Anne Lundon ann an Leòdhas, a' coimhead ris na dùbhlain sònraichte mu choinneamh Foghlam Gàidhlig sna sgìrean far a bheil a' chànan fhathast na chànan coimhearsnachd, an taca ris an t-suidheachadh sna bailtean mòra.
In this edition of Eorpa, Darren Laing is in Iceland, where the health service is struggling to attract and retain specialist doctors.
Anne Lundon visits the Isle of Lewis, where she examines the specific challenges facing Gaelic education in the traditional heartlands compared with the situation in the big mainland cities, where dedicated Gaelic schools have been successfully introduced. Show less