Bha còrr is ochd mile de luchd-ciùil bho ceithir dùthchanan deug a' gabhail pàirt aig Farpais Shaoghail nan Còmhlan Pìoba 2014 neo mar a chanas tòrr - Na Worlds. San fharpais aig Ìre a h-Aon, bha dusan còmhlan sa chuairt deireannach agus sa phrògram-sa, bithidh Catriona NicNèill a' cur fàilte oirbh gu taghadh de na còmhlain as fheàrr.
Mar a tha an fharpais ag obair, tha aig gach còmhlan sa chuairt deireannaich ri chluich dà thuras, is iad an toiseach a' cluich caismeachd, srathspèidh agus ruidhle agus an uairsin a cluich a-rithist, le puirt a thagh iad fhèin. Bhuannaich Field Marshal Montgomery à Èirrinn a Tuath airson an deicheamh turais, an ceathramh turas às dèidh a chèile. Chì sibh iadsan a' cluich na dà roghainn aca còmhla ri Inbhir Aora, a bha san dàrna àite, agus Laurenace O'Toole à Èirinn a bha san treas àite.
Two programmes from this year's World Pipe Band Championships at Glasgow Green, where more than 8000 performers from 14 different countries took part.
In the Grade One finals, 12 bands competed for the coveted title and in these shows, Catriona MacNeil presents each band performing a March, Strathspey and Reel followed by a medley of tunes of their own choice.
Field Marshal Montgomery Pipe Band, the eventual winners of the competition for the 10th time, feature prominently in both programmes along with Inveraray and District and St Laurence O'Toole pipe bands who were 2nd and 3rd respectively. Other bands featured are from Canada, New Zealand, Ireland and Scotland. Show less