Oir a' Chuain Shiair/Facing the Atlantic
Episode 2
50 minutes
Tha a' phrògram a' toiseachadh tarsainn air na Pyrenees, anns an Fhraing. An uair sin, siubhlaidh sinn gu Eileanan a' Chaolais Shasannaich, far a bheil an sinn a' lorg gràineag bhàn annasach, agus an laghairt as dathaich san Roinn-Eòrpa. Cuideachd, tha saoghal fon uisge a tha làn de bheatha - beatha a tha comasach air sgàth 's uisgeachan blàtha Srutha a' Chamais.
Series exploring the wildlife and landscape of the western coast of Europe.
In this programme, we begin our journey over the Pyrenees to France. Next up are the Channel Islands where the team encounters an unusual blonde hedgehog and the most colourful lizard in Europe, along with a rich underwater world which has been created by the warm waters of the Gulf Stream. Then it's on to the Isles of Scilly. Show less