A gu U: Glaschu
Episode 2
59 minutes
Tha Catrìona Nic a' Phì agus iomadh neach ainmeil leithid Alex Norton, Sanjeev Kohli, Michelle McManus agus Cathy NicDhòmhnaill a' leantainn orra len cuairt tro Ghlaschu, a' meòrachadh air stoidhle agus sìde a' bhaile, ceanglaichean spòrs agus a' toirt iomradh air cainnt àraidh muinntir Ghlaschu. Gus cuir ri na tha aca ri ràdha, tha taghadh de chriomagan èibhinn às an tasglann leithid Parliamo Glasgow Stanley Baxter agus Supercop Ricky Fulton.
Catriona MacPhee takes a nostalgic trip through Glasgow, touching on many topics including the River Clyde, the Barras, the music scene and the Gaels living in the city. Featuring a host of personalities including Alex Norton, Sanjeev Kohli, Michelle McManus and Cathy MacDonald as well as classic clips from the archive, including Stanley Baxter's 'Parliamo Glasgow' and Ricky Fulton's 'Supercop'. Show less