Series 6
Episode 14: Wheels of Change/Car na Cuibhle
1 hour
Sùil air na na dòighean anns a bheil rothaireachd ann an Alba ag atharrachadh, agus le 36% de thursan gu obair no foghlam air an dèanamh air baidhsagal ann an Copenhagen, beachdaichidh sinn air nas urrainn dhuinn ionnsachadh bho dhùthchannan mar an Danmhairg.
Scotland's city streets and roads have long been a daunting place for cyclists, with the car firmly established as the transport method of choice. However, a change is afoot with the number of cyclists on the road growing rapidly.
Glasgow alone has seen an increase of 25 percent in those cycling in to the city centre each day in recent years, but the numbers are still small. It's a different story in Copenhagen in Denmark though. 40 years ago it was as car-clogged as many UK cities.
Now 36 percent of all journeys to work or education are made by bicycle, with 1.2 million km cycled in the city on a daily basis. But how to did this biking revolution come about? Trusadh: Wheels of Change looks at the ways that the face of Scottish cycling is beginning to change, and we'll see what can be learnt from the experience of countries like Denmark. Show less